Hey Blog Buddies,
My friend Joyce and I are back from our trip to the Nordic Needle Retreat in Fargo, North Dakota, and we had a great time! I'll try not to blather on too much, because I have lots of photos to show you. Let's start with the classes:
My friend Joyce and I are back from our trip to the Nordic Needle Retreat in Fargo, North Dakota, and we had a great time! I'll try not to blather on too much, because I have lots of photos to show you. Let's start with the classes:
The theme of the retreat was "Tea and Friends."
We both took the redwork class on Thursday morning.
Hope to finish this one up in the next few days.
I do like the piece, but I'm afraid if I don't finish it now,
it may find its way into the UFO pile.
My second class was a whitework notebook class.
We got a doodle cloth and instructions for 70 stitches,
so nothing really to show for that.
But I can tell you that I will not be doing any projects
that call for the Mountmellick stitch!
Joyce took beginning hardanger,
and she was almost done with her piece by the time we left.
This will be put into a cute coaster,
which was provided with the kit.
My third class was intermediate hardanger.
Here's my start on the bullion bag:
The filling stitches are 14 wrapped bars and 8 bullion knots.
The piece will cover a dark blue zippered bag
which came with the kit.
I didn't get a photo of Joyce's beginning
pulled/drawn thread project. (drat)
Our last class was kumihimo braiding.
We both finished our braided necklaces
with about an hour to spare.
I'm still looking for the right pendant for it.
But, yay, a finish!!
There were various exchanges throughout the Retreat.
We both participated in the teacup exchange.
Here is the teacup which I got:

How cute is that?

This is the one Joyce received.
(I didn't get a photo of the one she brought...)
Here is the "teacup" I brought to the exchange.
I know, it's a teapot!
I tucked some silk floss inside because I didn't stitch anything,
and the recipient seemed happy with her exchange gift.
Here are some more teacups:
On Saturday night there was a Stitcher's Showcase.
The projects that the attendees brought were just stunning:
There was hardanger...
...more hardanger...
...and a wall hanging made of neckties,
just to name a few.
We went sightseeing one morning.
Did you know that,
in addition to the wood chipper used in the move "Fargo,"
they have a Walk of Fame?
That's the block for the band Aerosmith in the photo above.
Unfortunately, most of the other blocks were covered with snow! Tee-hee.
(The weather was like January the whole time we were there,
complete with 1-2 inches of new snow on the first day!)
We saw some wild turkeys crossing the road.
You can see a toll booth a little further on.
We had to pay 75 cents just to get back into Fargo!
(I don't think this road is used by the locals.)
Oh, did you want to see the Chipper?
Well.... OK
Joyce is on the right.
The "foot", of course, belonged to Steve Buscemi's character.
Last but not least, let's not forget the swag.
Celebrities get swag all the time when they go to events.
Stitchers need swag, too!
Nordic Needle's vendors are very generous!
We did go to the store, too, because...well...
we needed more stuff!
Each attendee gets a sheet of Nordic Needle 30%-off coupons,
and I got a few things, including an LED floor lamp
with a large magnifier in the middle.
"How was all this stuff transported home?" you might wonder.
We came prepared--we drove to Fargo in a station wagon!
..and you thought I was kidding about the snow, didn't you!
Despite the wintry conditions,
everyone truly did have a fantastic time.
That's it for now.
Better get back to my redwork!
Thanks so much for stopping by!