Hey Blog Buddies,

We're almost halfway through 2012 and I have finally decided to jump in to Heather's Theme-a-Licious SAL! There is a different theme for each month, and participants either follow it closely or somehow convince their readers with stories about how what they stitched matches the theme! No stress, just fun. The theme for Jumanji June was to stitch something animal-related. Since it was my first time out, I decided to stick more or less closely to the theme. I had my rabbits from Crabby All Year for the first half of the month, and for the second half I decided to start Plum Street Sampler's Boris. Besides, he was on my list of things to stitch this year. But instead of an adventure with Boris, I had more of a misadventure!
First, I decided to baste the fabric into 20 x 20 grids to help with the placement of all the letters in the sampler. It took a lot of time, but was worth the effort.
The fabric is 36-count, and the instructions were to use one strand of floss. That was OK for the letters, but I didn't like the way Boris (my little Russian dog) was turning out, and he was the reason I wanted to stitch the design in the first place!
We're almost halfway through 2012 and I have finally decided to jump in to Heather's Theme-a-Licious SAL! There is a different theme for each month, and participants either follow it closely or somehow convince their readers with stories about how what they stitched matches the theme! No stress, just fun. The theme for Jumanji June was to stitch something animal-related. Since it was my first time out, I decided to stick more or less closely to the theme. I had my rabbits from Crabby All Year for the first half of the month, and for the second half I decided to start Plum Street Sampler's Boris. Besides, he was on my list of things to stitch this year. But instead of an adventure with Boris, I had more of a misadventure!
First, I decided to baste the fabric into 20 x 20 grids to help with the placement of all the letters in the sampler. It took a lot of time, but was worth the effort.
The fabric is 36-count, and the instructions were to use one strand of floss. That was OK for the letters, but I didn't like the way Boris (my little Russian dog) was turning out, and he was the reason I wanted to stitch the design in the first place!
I started stitching his face (oh, that face!)
and wasn't pleased with the coverage of the floss.
But did I stop and frog? No!
It was hoping that the "effect" would grow on me.
When will I ever learn?
I got all the way to...
...before I decided to cut my losses.
(This may be the most embarrassing photo
ever published on this blog!)
If you look closely at the bottom two rows of his body
just behind the leg, you'll see I finally tried using 2 strands,
just to see what it would look like.
That was more like it!
That was more like it!
I wanted him black, not tweed!
He was looking like he had a
bad case of dandruff!
If I hadn't taken so much time basting,
I would have just tossed the entire piece at this point
and started over.
So I decided to frog instead.
Let me tell you, when I decide to bury a tail of floss,
it pretty much stays buried!
As of now, after much ripping, cutting, pulling and
dark muttering,
all that's left of him is his muzzle
and a tattered flower.
(Sorry, I'm not going to waste a photo on that!)
Quit giggling!!
The theme for next month is Jolly July.
"It's a jolly holiday with your WIPs.
You can concentrate on Christmas designs,
ornaments, or even pick a different holiday
to render in stitchy goodness."
I am going to need something jolly
after this little nightmare.
But Boris will get done ... eventually.
He has so much personality, how can I not finish him?
Hope your projects are going more smoothly.
Thanks for visiting!