
I love it all: embroidery, canvaswork, quilting, crochet. So much to do, so little time.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Best Laid Plans...

Hi Everybody,

First off, thanks so much for all of the kinds comments on my little giveaway.  They warm the cockles of my heart.

Today I had an idyllic morning planned.  DH was going to be out until early afternoon, so I had several hours of stitching planned--and I'm now back working on The Uptown Stitcher, my little lady.  But at 8:00 am, I got a call from the Site Manager of our local Meals on Wheels program.  She was in a bind because one of her Tuesday drivers couldn't make it, and she needed a sub.  (DH and I deliver meals to elderly shut-ins every Thursday.)  So, of course I said yes, because she is a very persuasive lady, and I didn't have anything that important planned.

I took photos some time ago along our Thursday route.
The name of this place is "Hope Center."
I have never seen it open in four years.

No, this is not a place we deliver meals to.  Just indicative of what the neighborhood is like.

Many, many boarded-up houses in this suburban neighborhood.
But all of our "clients" are nice people, grateful for the food delivery.

We've noticed that public improvements take quite a long time to get done in these neighborhoods.
These barricades, over a very roughly patched section of the street,
 lived near this intersection for at least a year and a half.
They were still there when we stopped our delivery to this street because our client had passed away.

I did not go into this particular neighborhood alone today. 
I was assigned to a "safer" route.
There was a new person on my route.
She's a real sweetie, and we had a nice chat.
She told me she was so happy to be getting a hot meal every day.
Before, all she was able to make for herself was sandwiches.

So, that was my morning.
We really do enjoy delivering the food.
Unless there's a blizzard.

But, back to my little lady.

There is a reason that she is taking so long to get done.  Here is a little tote bag that she is supposed to be carrying.

This is approximately 25-count, stitched over one.

The instructions were to make a bag by folding
this linen piece and sewing the sides.
Then sew a fabric lining separately, and line the little bag.
Whip stitch the lining to the linen.
That didn't work for me, so I had to frog.

So, I got my sewing machine out.
 With right sides together,
I sewed the lining to the linen on three sides.
Turned the piece inside out,
and carefully hand stitched the last side.

Here's what it look like.
I'm not super happy with the corners--they're too rounded.
But it is what it is.

Yes, Virginia, there is a fabric lining.

So I folded the "tote bag" and held it up to my little lady.
It's really too big.
More frogging, but not tonight.

Hope your stitching is going well, with no frogs.
Thanks for visiting!

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